You know how great pizza is for families, but what about how valuable families are for pizza?
Our latest research has confirmed what many of us already knew by heart—when families order pizza, it creates special family time. And because you want your brand to be top-of-mind whenever Family Pizza Night rolls around, we think there’s an opportunity for your brand to grow sales & stand out even more by approaching families in a fresh and innovative way.
How? By leaning into that special family time, enhancing it with branded entertainment and strengthening families’ emotional connection to your brand along the way.
After all, Families are huge revenue-drivers for the pizza industry—more than for any other restaurant segment. 43% of traffic ordering from pizza restaurants is from families with kids under 13, a full 15 points higher than the restaurant average for family traffic, which is 28%. Since those family customers are so pivotal, pizza brands have a strong incentive to focus on them and grow their share of the business, especially considering they consistently bring in checks that are 46% higher than average!
Being kid-friendly drives sales Kids have a voice: when kids have a good experience, families will return again and again.
85% of parents say their kids have influence over which pizza restaurant they choose
say kids choose
say adults choose but ask the kids’ opinion
say adults choose but consider kids’ preferences
say kids and adults take turns choosing
say the adults choose
Source: C3 Pizza Night Study, October 2020, n=382 Parents
Pizza brings families together When a family orders pizza, it automatically makes that day special.
Pizza is the perfect family-friendly food: it’s made for sharing and kids love it! But beyond that, pizza represents something even more important: an evening full of smiles and family connection.
What does ordering pizza mean in your family?
58% say we get to relax and have fun
56% say it‘s a chance for family bonding
40% say it’s a special treat
36% say it means we’re too tired or don’t have time to cook
Source: C3 Pizza Night Study, October 2020, n=382 Parents
Your pizza brand can enhance families’ pizza experience We see a great opportunity to innovate the at-home pizza experience by celebrating family togetherness and creating truly memorable family moments … and parents agree!
92% of parents like or love the idea of pizza orders coming with family-friendly items or activities
67%love the idea
25%like the idea
Source: C3 Pizza Night Study, October 2020, n=382 Parents
Here’s what parents had to say:
I love places that will do something extra for the kids. Sometimes we parents are so tired, it feels like we’re kind of being taken care of, too.
“It’s something the kids can look forward to as if we were eating at a restaurant, but in the comfort of our home.”
“I love that idea … as it would be a fun extra to our tradition.”
“My kids would love it and will be wanting to order more often.”
“There should be a fun atmosphere while eating pizza to feel the difference from other meals.”
“I think it’d be an innovative idea to offer something more for families as a thank you for choosing their restaurant over another.”
It’s time to grow your sales and build brand affinity through innovative at-home entertainment Not only do parents like the idea of family-friendly entertainment with their pizza order, but they also tell us it would increase their pizza orders from that brand.
If a pizza restaurant were to offer family entertainment, it would …
make my kids more excited to order from there
make them stand out from other pizza restaurants
make us more likely to order from there
make us order from there more often
make their pizza seem like a better value for the $
Source: C3 Pizza Night Study, October 2020, n=382 Parents
Are you ready to take family pizza night to a whole new level? Your brand could be the first to make pizza night family entertainment a part of your brand experience—no other pizza brand is known for this. We at C3 will work with you to create a custom, brand-tailored solution that fits your budget and marketing strategy, with the goal of bringing your brand’s personality into families’ homes and making their experience with your brand truly memorable.
Interested in hearing more?
Contact C3 President Jennifer Loper at 913-626-9669 or or Group Account Director Jonathan Bowyer at 816-225-9860 or
About C3
C3 is a Kansas City-based marketing and design agency that brings brands to life for families with children through experiences and entertainment. C3 uses insights, strategy and expertise to produce award-winning programs and custom products to help major restaurant, hospitality and service industry partners connect with families wherever they are—in person, at home or in the community at large.
About our Pizza Night Study
Online survey of n=382 parents of kids 3-12 from across the U.S. All respondents had ordered pizza for their families in the last 2 months. Included a mix of Moms (58%) and Dads (42%). The survey fielded Oct 23-29, 2020.
More information about C3 and our kid and family expertise can be found here.
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